About RG Drage Career Technical Center
Welcome to RG Drage Career Technical Center-where successful careers begin! We find innovative ways to connect education with the world of work. We are committed to offering all students opportunities for challenging, meaningful, work-based experiences and relevant academics. We promote education that prepares students for careers, college, and life-long learning.
Named in honor of Dr. Raymond G. Drage, RG Drage Career Technical Center began operation in 1977. Dr. Drage served the schools of Stark County for over six decades as a teacher, principal, high school superintendent, county superintendent, and county school board member. We house six-member school districts: Brown Local , Fairless Local, Louisville City, Minerva Local, Northwest Local, and Tuslaw Local.
RG Drage is approved and accredited by the Ohio Department of Education as a two-year public joint vocational school to provide secondary preparation through classroom and lab offerings. We work to keep pace with business and industry and strive to be on the cutting edge of technology.
RG Drage Career Technical Center represents the merging of the education and business communities to develop academic, occupational, and employability skills.
Stark County Area Vocational School District conforms to all federal, state and local laws and regulations including Title IX and nondiscrimination against any individual because of race, color, creed, sex, religion, citizenship, homeless/economic status, marital status, pregnancy, handicap, other physical/genetic characteristics, age, or otherwise qualified handicapped conditions, and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person has been designated as Coordinator to handle inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies:
Title IX Officer- Mrs. Leigh Ann Whitted, Career Tech Supervisor: 330-832-9856 / email: leighann.whitted@rgdrage.org
—Staff are Title IX Trained with PublicSchoolWorks
504 Officer- Tracy Spradling, VOSE Coordinator: 330-832-9856 / email: tracy.spradling@rgdrage.org
Homeless Liaison — Mrs. Leigh Ann Whitted, Career Tech Supervisor: 330-832-9856 / email: leighann.whitted@rgdrage.org
Please be advised that the RG Drage Career Technical Center has been privately inspected and found to contain only non-friable asbestos material. These materials are all in good condition and pose no threat to the health of occupants of the building. An Asbestos Management Plan is in place and will be made available upon request in writing to the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, RG Drage Career Technical Center, 2800 Richville Drive SE, Massillon, OH 44646. Upon receipt of a request, an appointment will be made for review of the plan within five (5) working days. Periodic surveillance re-inspection and adherence to the management plan will be followed.
RG Drage had zero (0) incidents of bullying in the first semester of the 2024-2025 school year. This posting is required by ORC (Ohio Revised Code).
Board Policy 2413 – Career Advising
2024-2025 Student Handbook
2023-2024 Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid and Student Wellness and Success Fund
Mr. Dan Murphy
Mrs. Leigh Ann Whitted
Career Tech Supervisor
Mr. Chris Albrecht
Career Tech Supervisor
Mr. Doug Tucker
Director of Buildings & Grounds
Board Members
Mr. Frank Antonacci – President – Louisville City
Mr. Ken Killian – Vice President – Fairless Local
Mrs. Vicki Horvath – Member – Tuslaw Local
Mr. Bruce Beadle – Member – Northwest Local
Dr. Brenda Ramsey-L’Amoreaux – Rotating Member – Louisville City
Dr. Tom Freeland – Member – Minerva Local
Mr. Ronald Ruegg – Member – Brown Local